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 (农业粮食)高中英语阅读短文及答案 阅读 短文 并回 答问 题 More than any other aspect of the climate crisis, it is the over-production of carbon dioxide that has been valued. But nitrogen (氮),and its abundant use in commercial fertilizer 化(肥),also leads to air pollution and climate change. Evidence suggests their use also contributes to air pollution, increases the rates of cancer and reduces biodiversity, as well as releasing gas (laughing gas). But nitrogen helps feed around half the world ’ s population and remains essential for the foreseeable future. With prices of fertilizer rising, many developing countries don ’ t have access to it, with resulting threats to food security. The global nitrogen challenge involves both reducing fertilizer use, and getting it to where it ’sneeded most. A team of scientists has come up with a five-step plan to solve this two-sided problem. Benjamin Houlton, the leader, explains that only by undertaking a holistic approach and combining solutions can the problem be solved on both levels. The five steps identified involve changing agricultural practices, getting fertilizer to the places it ’s needed, reducing nitrogen pollution and finally, both reducing food waste and promoting a change in diet. The latter two are essential because approximately one-quarter of all global food produced is wasted along the supply chain, which means that a large portion of the nitrogen fertilizer applied to crops is ultimately wasted. Benjamin admits that adding nitrogen to the list of existing climate woes might cause a sense of exhaustion. Nevertheless, he has an encouraging message. “The truth is, nitrogen is a blessing and a curse, ” he says, “ But if you can reduce the spill-overs of nitrogen, you can quickly get systems to return to a more original state. That makes it very different from CO2. We lock in 30 to 50 years of climate impacts every

 time we send out a molecule (微粒)

 of CO2 into the air. But with nitrogen you can get immediate returns on investment. ” 1. Why does the author mention carbon dioxide in paragraph 1? A. To introduce the harm of nitrogen pollution. B. To explain the effects of producing CO2. C. To present the results of using fertilizer. D. To show the seriousness of air pollution. 2. What ’ s paragraph 2 mainly about? A. The prices of nitrogen fertilizer. B. The challenges of nitrogen fertilizer. C. The importance of nitrogen fertilizer. D. The two-sided problem of nitrogen fertilizer. 3. According to paragraph 4, why are the last two steps important? A. They can ensure the security of food supplies. B. They can solve the problem of climate change. C. They can reduce the waste of nitrogen resources. D. They can meet the need of agricultural fertilizer. 4. What does Benjamin convey in his words? A. Producing CO2 could get more returns. B. The release of CO2 may be more harmful. C. The impacts of nitrogen are more permanent. D. Reducing nitrogen could get more efficient results. 参考 答案 ADCD 单词 学习 1.carbon dioxide 二氧 化碳 the over-production of carbon dioxide 二氧 化碳 的生 产过 剩 2. holistic adj. 整体 的 a holistic approach 全盘 着眼 ,整 体分 析 3. agricultural practices 耕作 方法

 4. woe n. 灾难 climate woes 气候 危机 5. curse n. 祸根 Nitrogen is a blessing and a curse. 氮是 福也 是祸 。

 长难 句 The latter two are essential because approximately one-quarter of all global food produced is wasted along the supply chain, which means that a large portion of the nitrogen fertilizer applied to crops is ultimately wasted. 主干 :

 The latter two are essential. 译文 :后两 者至 关重 要 ,因为 全球 生产 的食 品中 约有 四分 之一 是在 供应 链上 浪费 的, 这意 味着 用于 作物 的很 大一 部分 氮肥 最终 都被 浪费 了。

 知识 拓展 世界 粮食 日( World Food Day ,缩 写为 WFD)

 世 界 各 国 政 府 每 年 在 10 月 16 日围绕发展粮 食和 农业 生产举行纪念活动

 1979 年 11 月举 行的 第 20 届联 合国 粮食 及农 业组 织( 简称“ 联合 国粮 农组 织”)

 大会决 定 :

 1981 年 10 月 16 日为首 次世 界粮 食日纪 念日 。此 后每 年的 这个 日 子 都要 为世 界粮 食日 开展 各种 纪念 活动

推荐访问:短文 粮食 英语阅读







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